Getting Help From The Lord

Getting Help From The Lord

“Lord my God, I called to you for help, and you healed me.” Psalm 30:2 A lot of us are quick to point our fingers to God when things are tough and no sense of help is coming our way. Where is the God who is supposed to help us? How do we get help from...
Your Past Doesn’t Have To Hurt You

Your Past Doesn’t Have To Hurt You

We all have a past and a story. We may be proud of some stories, while other stories we may be shameful of. We try to forget the hurt of our bad past by hiding it in the bottom pile of our memories, however, your past doesn’t have to hurt you. I was worshipping and...
It’s Not All About You

It’s Not All About You

We live in a world that encourages us to have an “it’s all about me” mindset. While living a life that’s all about you and making decisions that only revolve around you may not seem bad, it will not open the way for you to live life to the...

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