by Gaby Santiago | Feb 27, 2025 | Overcoming Temptation, Perseverance, Podcast, Relationship With God, Walking In Faith
We need Jesus to take up our cross and persevere during hard times. Learn how to take up your cross and follow Jesus daily. It’s not enough to just read our Bible to cross it off our to-do list — we need a revelation of Jesus in the Word every day to receive Him as...
by Gaby Santiago | Dec 22, 2024 | Perseverance, Podcast, Staying Positive, Trusting God, Walking In Faith
The beauty of hardships is seeing God’s faithfulness carry us through. It is difficult to go through hardships, but God is still with us despite the hard times. There is beauty in hardships. Hardships are not bad when we use them as an opportunity to find God’s...
by Gaby Santiago | Oct 21, 2024 | Perseverance, Podcast, Relationship With God, Walking In Faith
It is important that we keep the faith and not drift away from the Bible. Learn how to fight the good fight of faith and stay rooted in Jesus. Keep the faith. There will be days when we will get discouraged, have lack of faith, or be tempted to drift away from...
by Gaby Santiago | Aug 15, 2024 | Podcast, Relationship With God, Walking In Faith
God’s grace is enough to help us do what we cannot do in our strength. His power is made perfect in our weakness. We can rest in the Lord and see that God’s grace is enough. I was feeling stressed and questioning whether I could do everything that was at hand. I...
by Gaby Santiago | Mar 21, 2024 | Podcast, Prayers, Walking In Faith
Prayer is easily seen as one of the things we need to do but not always as the most important thing we need to do. Why pray? Prayer is how we partner with God to see heaven’s will happen on earth. We must pray always. I was discouraged about praying because my prayer...
by Gaby Santiago | Sep 12, 2023 | Podcast, Staying Positive, Walking In Faith
In the midst of your hardship, remember that Jesus is still in the picture. God will allow tests and trials in our lives to purify our hearts. He has an amazing way of turning what was meant for our harm for our good as we choose to abide in Jesus. Coming back from...